Sunday, February 17, 2008


Can you tell I'm an animal lover? As I write this post, my adorable pup is laying underneath me...and unfortunately, attempting to clear me from the room with some very undesirable smells...
Guinness and Gidget sharing the water dish - Brewer looking on longingly
Brewer and Gidget found the largest stick in the yard and decided it was their new favorite toy. Steve doesn't need to worry about mulching any sticks - just put the pups in the yard and they'll chew them until he has the finest mulch in town.
Look closely...Brewer has a very appropriate "Sponge Bob Square Pants" scarf
All three decided they needed to play with the same stick
Awww, ain't she the cutest??
Guinness cooling off

1 comment:

Sonja said...

How cute! Labbies are the best. Unfortunately, mine definately has room-clearing abilities as well!