Friday, March 28, 2008

What's your passion?

I've been sidelined from running with an injury. A minor injury - slightly torn/pulled right quad - but an injury, nonetheless. I took yesterday and today off from running, and it has been an absolute feat to convince myself this is what is best. I may take tomorrow off as well. The leg is already feeling better today, but not quite ready to endure the impact. Runners notoriously ignore their injuries and "run through the pain." I don't want to end up a casualty...collapsing in the middle of a race due to a broken hip (yes, I've read about this happening), needing surgery due to allowing the injury to go too far, suffering permanent damage...the list goes on. My goal is to go for a 2 hr run on Sunday, and if I take three days off, I believe I'll be ready. I've been injured before and had to take time off from running, but for whatever reason, this has been TOUGH. And now I'll explain why...

Running has become a love of mine. A passion. A slight obsession. I read about it, think about it, research it, and become excited when I meet someone else that shares my passion. Running makes me feel b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l. Running makes me feel strong. Running makes me feel AWESOME. Running makes me feel sexy. I love pushing myself and seeing just how amazing the human body is. I'm not ridiculously fast and I'm not going to make my career running, but I LOVE IT. Many people have a hard time understanding this serious attachment. For some women, lingerie does it. For others, it's a great pair of shoes. For me, it's running. Don't get me wrong...playing dress up can make me feel wonderful. But to me, there is no greater feeling than the end of a run. And when I cannot partake, whether it's 3 miles or 50K, my psyche is thrown off course. I think about it even more. Part of writing this post is therapy. Just ask Steve...he was able to enjoy a 10+ mile run today and I'm jealous. Jealous! Of my boyfriend! Love is not jealous...the Bible says so. I'm working on it, I promise. :)

Now I ask you, my readers, what is your passion? What is something if taken away from you, feels as though a part of your "soul" has been taken? This may help you see where I'm coming from. Whether it's something you do everyday or once a year... Quilting? Photography? Wine? Cooking? Traveling? Yoga? Homebrewing? Reading? Your job? Baking? Creating beautiful art through sewing, quilting, paper products, painting, photography...? Hiking? Animals? Napping? ANYTHING can be a passion.

Running is mine.

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