Sunday, February 7, 2010

Mmm, shower water...

This is a common sight in the bathroom when someone is taking a shower.  Brewer has a deep fascination with showers (well, just about anything), and most especially, shower water.  Odd, yes.  If you happen to get near him while you're showering, he immediately tries to lick the shower water off your leg - even if it's soapy water.  We can't figure it out; my only guess is he likes the warm water.  Needless to say, it's guaranteed if you're in the shower & the bathroom door is cracked slightly, you'll turn around to see a big brown head staring up at you in fascination.


montanamom123 said...

Aww, Brewer..he is so cute!

Linds and Danny said...

This is particularly funny to me b/c Quintus also does it. Maybe they are kindred spirits!? :)