Monday, October 11, 2010

"Hi. My name is Brewer. I love peanut butter."

We don't give our dogs entire jars of peanut butter.  Sometimes they help themselves when we're not home.

But we really did give Brewer this jar.  If we empty a jar of peanut butter (which is quite often in this PB-lovin home), we scrape out all that we can & give it to the dogs to clean the rest.  Brewer, bless his heart, is a dopey dog that has nothing but love to give.  And damnit if he isn't proud of his toys.  He carried this jar around for what seemed like hours.  Walk into the bedroom?  He followed behind with his jar.  Try to shut the door to use the bathroom?  He pushed the door open with his massive forehead & brought his jar.  This boy has my heart by the strings.  *Sigh*

(And for the life of me, I cannot figure out why Blogger insists on turning the top picture on its side - I've adjusted it so it isn't too big for the site & tried everything to turn it luck)


Linds and Danny said...

These are adorable pictures! I particularly love that he's TOTALLY looking at the camera :)

-- linds

montanamom123 said...

Brewer is such a cutie, but so are all three pups.
-'Grandma' Linda

Candylei said...

They are sweet! Our dog loves a taste of peanut butter too!