Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I've been wanting chickens for some time, especially after watching the eye-opening movie "Food, Inc."  Fresh eggs & (some day) fresh chicken meat (after they've lived long, productive lives & no longer produce eggs) enticed us enough to make the leap.  Knowing how the chickens lived (free-range with plenty of exercise & fresh air), what they ate (bugs, grass, all-natural feed), & how they were treated (as spoiled as our pups) makes the decision worthwhile.  Chickens are fairly easy to raise - and they cost approximately $3/chick & a 50 lb feed bag costs about $15.  Do a little research & anyone can raise chickens.
"Athena," an Araucana - she's the biggest of the group (long story, but in some races, they have special groups for "Athena" & "Clydesdale" - runners that are at a higher weight than typical runners).
"Grubby," a New Hampshire Red - she ate the first bug.
"Fenway," a Plymouth Rock White - think of Plymouth Rock, think of Boston, think of Boston, think of Fenway
"Fosters," an Australorp - Australorp...Australia...Fosters!  It's a stretch, but I'm fairly certain the chickens aren't worried about their names.  She's by far our favorite - much more docile & sweet than the others.  The other three are friendly enough, but we picked them up at an older age than typical & I don't think they bonded to us as younger chicks usually do.  Foster seems to be the youngest, so it seems she was more willing to consider us her "parent."
A very curious Brewer.  Guinness cannot be left alone with them (a true bird dog), Brewer is curious but kind of scared, & Gidget could care less.

They've since grown quite a bit, but we haven't had a chance to take pictures.  I'm sure we'll be posting updates, especially after we finish the coop & move them outside in a few weeks (if the weather ever clears...).


Sonja said...

Cute, cute! I love this stage of chick development. I was telling Chris we need to add to our flock this summer, just because the chicks are so fun to have.

Best of luck! Can't wait to see pictures of the coop.

Teacher Voice said...

I havent convinced linds yet that chickens are worth the steps. We'll tackle a bigger garden and see where that takes us:) And of course I can learn from my sis the ins and outs of chicken ranchin'.

montanamom123 said...

They are adorable, my new 'grandchickens!'

Bella Vida Photography said...

Oh My God. I just saw Danny's comment. We are NOT getting chickens :) All of yours chicks (Sonja's included) are super cute. However. I prefer them from a distance ;)

Chicky said...

Sonja- I'm already thinking about chicks next year... But one step at a time, I need to get through this year with them! :)

Mom- Grandogs, grandcats, & grandchicks! What an array!

Bud & Linds- Hahahaha, I'm staying out of this one! ;)

TR Burke said...

They are pretty adorable. But I can't imagine naming chickens and raising them...and then eating them. Not that I don't eat a lot of chicken, but I can't get attached. Eggs? I can do that (although I'm not a big fan of eggs). Good luck!

Sonja said...

Linds, would it help if I mentioned that chickens LOVE spiders? They gobble them down like they're going out of style..

As for the naming thing, it is a problem. Chris decided that we should name ours Leg, Breast, and Wing, just to make it easier later on down the road when it's time to get out the old hatchet.

I did not much care for that particular suggestion.

Chicky, we need some new pictures! I'm sure they've grown enormously.