Monday, May 24, 2010

Miami Visit

Before making the trip to Cuba, we stopped in Miami for a few days to see family & do what Cubans do & drink.  A few snapshots of the weekend...
Stocking up before the family gathering.

Who let the crazy bandits in the back of the van?

I don't lay claim to him.

The Cuban version of crack.  Seriously.

Apparently it takes THISMANY people to carve a pig.  (Probably not, but the pig carvers do get first dibs).  A family affair.

There is no "waiting in line" at a Cuban pig roast.  Especially when you're family.  If you want some, especially the good pieces, you better shove yourself to the table & start digging in.

Inspecting Cuban treat bags put together by my lovely tia.

A dulce de leche treat.  That little thing is half the size of a yogurt container, filled entirely with dulce de leche.  I was on it like flies on...well, you get the point.

Last but not least, my favorite picture...

My grandpa, "Hot."  When I see him, I'll always be 8 years old &a he'll always be my strong grandpa who made me feel like the prettiest & smartest girl in the world.  I do no wrong in his eyes...the love of a grandfather to his only granddaughter.
He may be aging, but damnit, he still loves his pork.  :)

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