Monday, August 24, 2009

I workout so I can eat, not the other way around

I didn't realize so much time had passed since my last post. This past week was a vacation spent in Helena with the family - we passed time relaxing, boating, hiking, eating, drinking & all other things conducive to vacationing. I love food & drink. To combat the effects of my love of all things food & drink, I workout. I would rather workout more & eat more than have to eat less. I want my cake (& beer) & I want to eat (drink) it too. 'Nuff said. Luckily, the Ramirez clan is big into working out (possibly bordering on obsessed; but I'm not the only one in the family with a burning passion for food & drink) - I had plenty of exercise throughout the week. (Despite this fact, I think I still gained a few pounds...ah well, it was all worth it).

Leading Ladies 1/2 Marathon

Rest - drive to H-town

Elliptical 1 hr.

Hike Mt. Helena

"Chicky's Modified Filthy Fifty"
50 - cannonballs, supermen, situps, pushups (25 regular, 25 assisted), squats, dips, walking lunges, 20# dumbbell swings

5.85 mi run

6.5 mi trail run w/my bro

~5 mi trail run w/Steve & bro

~3.4 mi run w/Steve

I didn't take any pictures, but the rest of the family had their cameras out at all moments, so I'll try to hunt some down. Now I'll attempt to return to regular blogging (including more pictures, as I know my workout schedule is not always fascinating to everyone else).


montanamom123 said...

I'll post pictures today! We had a great time!

Linds and Danny said...

I have a theory: the Ramirez clan is so into working out b/c we ALL love to eat...and drink :) Maybe we should officially adopt the 'I workout so I can eat' motto!?

-- linds

Chicky said...

Linds, excellent idea! I'm all for it. :)