Saturday, April 18, 2009

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a...running skirt?!?

I've read quite a bit about running skirts & liked the idea. I'm constantly tugging at shorts as they ride up my thighs & honestly, it can be VERY annoying (& draining). Most running skirts come with compression shorts underneath & I tried a pair, but the shorts rode up. I stumbled upon skirts that have spankies underneath instead of compression shorts. I tried a pair of the "spanky" skirt & LOVE IT. The spankies are like underwear, except slightly more coverage (more like a boy-short bottom). While it's taken a bit to get used to the feeling - the first few runs it felt like my bum was hanging out, but it's only because more the skirt is less constricting than shorts - I highly recommend the running skirt. I feel cute AND badass. :) Skirt pictured below...

I had to include a picture of my dog, the mud puddle lover. We went on a trail run at Acme & she found the one & only mud puddle to roll around in (in reality, she's a water lover & she was hot so the mud puddle was her only option, but seriously...). Luckily we took them to the Tongue River after the run & she washed off the mud. Crazy dog.
3.6 mi trail run (including 5X ~0.10 mi uphill & downhill repeats...very very steep hill)
Skirts given the best reviews: (I bought the Inspiration skirt),, (I found a $10 skirt in their outlet store & it's on the way to my front door)

1 comment:

montanamom123 said...

You girls are crazy-and this can cover several of your pictures!
Give Gidgy a scratch from us, and tell her to come visit her grandparents, we'll take her up to Pactola and let her swim in a nice big lake!